The ns-3 with CMake project is a modified version of the original NSNAM ns-3 network simulator.

The main changes are related to the buildsystem, replacing the original Waf with CMake, for the sake of using Jetbrains CLion. In addition to Linux and MacOS, Windows is supported with both MinGW/Msys2 and ClangCL/MSVC (WIP, don’t use it for real work yet).

Most ns-3 features are already usable with CMake, but python bindings and visualizer are still not working.

Instructions on how to work with it are available in the installation page

If you are looking for the collaborative sensing adaptations for the ns-3 LTE module, check the ns-3-COLAB page, or the COLAB-5G for additional rural 5G adaptations.

If you are looking for the 802.11 AP with the dynamic beacon adjustment, check out the ns-3-dynamicBeacon page

You can find me on the official NSNAM Zulip server.